Hi There!

I'm Anna Kot

I'm a passionate and creative UI/UX designer who creates informed and accessible designs and experiences

My Projects
woman with laptop illustration

UI/UX case studies

My Projects

I'm constantly learning and striving to improve my skills. Currently, I'm working as an in-house UI/UX designer on new products yet to be released, which is why most of the projects in this portfolio are personal ones.

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OurStars - Fundraiser App and responsive website

UX/UI case study for a multi-platform tool encouraging supporting charity fundraisers. Additional to the mobile app, I also designed a sample of a website.
This design is being brought to life by Clemens Maas (GitHub)


Case Study


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Pet Adoption - Responsive Website

A hobby project focusing on UI/UX case study on the pet adoption process. The result of the study includes a hight fidelity prototype for the desktop, tablet and mobile screen sizes. This design was recognised by DesignRush.


Case Study

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Blossom - Florist App

A hobby project including user research and UI/UX case study. UI Design has been completed following the design thinking process.


Case Study


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MessageMail - Web Design

A design for responsive landing and registration pages. Created for the hypothetical company focusing their marketing on younger demographic.

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myPortfolio - Website

My first attempt on designing and coding a modern, responsive and interactive personal portfolio website.




about me

Anna Kot

Anna Kot profile picture

I am a Computer Applications graduate located in Finland. A holder of masters degree in landscape architecture and postgrad in graphic design with previous experience as coordinator in the international company. I have discovered a passion towards UI/UX Design and received Google UX Design Professional Certificate.
Currently working as an in-house UI/UX Designer for Rovjok Oy.

I work with:

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